
"Where you been?"

Several people have sent me emails or instant messaged me asking where I’ve been. Without going into the details, the company that I’m working for was sold late last October and many, many, many changes have already taken place with many, many, many more to come. Suffice it to say that the new owners are basically turning the company upside down. As with any situation like this, it’s hard for anyone to be “sure” of their future with said company. I will say that the company does appear to be moving forward and the new management seems to have grand visions of where they want to take the company. The new management has been keeping me busy with a few new projects and I suppose as long as I have something to work on I’ll be a happy employee. ;-)

What I will do is open the floor to anyone else out there that has (or is) going through the same situation to share your story. So if you have either a horror story or even a success story in regards to your company transitioning from one management to another, please feel free to leave comments.

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